Pickled Red Onions


  • 1 each Red Onion

  • 1 cup Water

  • 1 Tbs Honey

  • 1 tsp Mustard Seeds

  • 1 tsp Pickling Spice

  • 1 pinch Salt


EQUIPMENT:  medium sized non-reactive bowl, medium sized non-reactive saucepan or pot.


Peel your red onion and knock off the ends.  Carefully slice into thin disks and place in the bowl. Combine the Cranberry Vinegar, water, honey, pickling spice, and mustard seeds in your pan.  Heat the pickle liquor until just boiling, and pour the hot liquid over the sliced onions and into the bowl.  You may have to shift the onion slices around a bit to make sure they are all submerged.  Let the onions cool and season to taste with salt.  Store the pickled onions in the fridge, submerged in their liquor.  

We always have a jar of pickled onions in the fridge, they bring great flavor, texture and brightness to otherwise dull sandwiches, salads and other last minute meals.  Gives a nice zip to tacos or veggie burgers.  Chop them up and mix into chutneys, relishes and sales.