• 1 each Sunshine Squash

  • 1 each Leek

  • 1 each Carrot

  • .75 stick Butter

  • 4 Tbs Spruce Beer Vinegar

  • 2 Tbs Soy Sauce



  • 1 Tbs Salt

  • 2 tsp Turmeric Powder

  • 1 tsp Black Pepper

  • 4 cups Water

  • .25 cup Granola


Medium sized stock or large soup pot.


Preheat your soup pot over medium heat. Split your squash in two and remove the seeds and inner guts. Peel away the skin and cut the squash into 1-2 inch cubes. Peel and clean the carrots, cutting into 1 inch chunks. Clean the leeks and cut into 1 inch rings. Add 3 Tbs butter to the soup pot and saute the squash, leeks and carrots. Stir frequently and cook over medium high heat until the vegetables begin to color and stick to the pan. Stir in the turmeric, salt and pepper. Deglaze the pan with 3 Tbs Spruce Beer Vinegar and the soy sauce. Add 4 cups of water or stock and reduce the heat to a low boil. Simmer the soup on low heat for 45 mins to an hour, until the squash has softened. Add the remaining butter and vinegar and transfer to a blender. Puree the soup, adding water or stock as needed to make a smoothie velvety texture. Season to taste with salt, pepper and a splash of vinegar as needed. Serve hot and garnish with a pinch or two of crunchy granola.